Manji bosanskohercegovaÄki entitet koji baštini rezultate genocida, danas se homogenizira u cilju realizacije ciljeva koji nisu postignuti agresijom i genocidom. BosanskohercegovaÄki, evropski i svjetski establišment to mirno posmatra
Priznanja osvjedoÄenim i presuÄ‘enim ratnim zloÄincima je užasna poruka za sve normalne ljude i cijeli dobronamjerni svijet, uvreda za žrtve i ruganje istini i pravdi. PolitiÄki establišment manjeg bosanskohercegovaÄkog entiteta je ovim Äinom još jednom pokazao da je na strani poÄinilaca masovnih progona, masovnih ubijanja, masovnih silovanja, masovnih deportacija u koncentracione logore i genocida. U modernoj Evropi ne može biti mjesta za veliÄanje osoba osuÄ‘enih za najteže zloÄine protiv ÄovjeÄnosti. Slaviti djela osuÄ‘enih ratnih zloÄinaca jasno pokazuje da nije u interesu politiÄkog establišmenta manjeg bosanskohercegovaÄkog entiteta trajno pomirenje i miran suživot, koji su kljuÄni za budućnost stabilne i sigurne Bosne i Hercegovine koja štiti prava svih graÄ‘ana. Priznanja osvjedoÄenim i presuÄ‘enim ratnim zloÄincima od strane skupštine menjeg bosanskohercegovaÄkog entiteta, ranije održani anticivilizacijski referendum, te prijedlog Zakona o danu manjeg bosanskohercegovaÄkog entiteta kojim se izbjegava odluka Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine, kao i niz drugih postupaka predstavljaju oÄigledne dokaze da aktueln politiÄki establišment manjeg bosanskohercegovaÄkog entiteta je antibosanskohercegovaÄki, antievropski opredijeljen, te da njegova politika i postupci predstavljaju prijetnju stabilnosti i miru u Bosni i Hercegovini, Evropi i Svijetu. To indicira moralnu poremećenost svijeta, a ne samo Bosne i Hercegovine. Dejtonska Bosna i Hercegovina je upravo produkt te poremećenosti svijeta. Manji bosanskohercegovaÄki entitet je dokaz da svijet bez savjesti i
dalje srlja u nehumanost. Svijet ne smije ostati bez savjesti. Žrtve agresije i genocida na Bosnu i Hercegovinu ne smiju ostati bez svog dostojanstva ni odustati od svojih prava.
The smaller B&H entity which inherited the results of genocide, today is homogenised in order to attain the objectives that have been made by the aggression and genocide. Bosnian Herzegovians, European, and world establishments peacefully observe this.
Recognising notorious and adjudicated war criminals is a terrible message to all normal people and all the well-meaning in this world, it is an insult to the victims and a mockery of truth and justice. The political establishment of smaller Bosnian entity with this act has shown yet again that it is on the side of the perpetrators of mass expulsions, mass killings, mass rape, mass deportations to concentration camps and genocide. In modern Europe there can not be room for the glorification of persons convicted of the most serious crimes against humanity. Celebrating the works of convicted war criminals clearly shows that it is not in the interest of the political establishment of smaller bosnian entity lasting reconciliation and peaceful coexistence, which are crucial for the future of a stable and secure Bosnia and Herzegovina, which protects the rights of all its citizens. Recognising notorious war criminals and those adjudicated by the Assembly of the smaller bosnian entity, earlier held a anti civilisation referendum, and propose laws on the Day of the smaller bosnian entity which avoids the decision of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as a number of other actions are prima facie evidence that the current leadership of that entity are anti Bosnian, anti-European allocated, and that its policies and actions constitute a threat to the stability and peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe and the World. This indicates the moral disorder of the world, not only Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dayton Peace Agreement is indeed a product of world disorder. Smaller Bosnian entity is proof that a world without conscience is still riding in inhumanity. The world must not remain without a conscience. Victims of aggression and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina should not lose their dignity and not give up their rights.