Naučna istraživanja

Naučno istraživačke činjenice o udruženom zločinačkom poduhvatu Republike Hrvatske na Bosnu i Hercegovinu

Naučno istraživačke činjenice o udruženom zločinačkom poduhvatu Republike Hrvatske na Bosnu i Hercegovinu 

Oružane snage Republike Hrvatske, Hrvatska vojska i njeni kolaboracionisti i petokolonaši - Hrvatsko vijeće obrane, fašistoidni dio HVO, koji su djelovali pod općom - sveukupnom kontrolom Republike Hrvatske i za njene interese, de facto i de iure organ, instrument Republike Hrvatske, koja je vršila opću kontrolu i efektivno rukovoÄ‘enje nad oružanim snagama i civilnim vlastima paradržavne tvorevine Hrvatske zajednice Herceg-Bosne /Hrvatske republike Herceg-Bosne, pri čemu se i zločini HVO-a pripisuju Republici Hrvatskoj u srednjoj Bosni, dolini Rame i Neretve, te u zapadnoj Hercegovini, nad Bošnjacima, civilima i civilnim stanovništvom, izvr- šile su brojne zločine protiv čovječnosti i meÄ‘unarodnog prava, kao što su:

- masovna i pojedinačna ubistva i spaljivanja, te ranjavanja, uključujući žene, djecu i starce;
protjerivanje i raseljavanje; masovna i sistematska hapšenja i zatočenja civila u koncentracionim logorima i drugim mjestima zatočenja, napadi na civile i civilne objekte;
- terorisanje civila; silovanja i seksualna zlostavljanja;
- vojni napadi na gradove i sela, te njihovo razaranje;
- uništavanje stambenih, vjerskih, historijskih, obrazovnih, naučnih, kulturnih, zdravstvenih, sportskih, privrednih i drugih civilnih objekata, uključujući i Stari most u Mostaru;
- pljačkanje i spaljivanje javne imovine;
- pljačkanje bošnjačkih kuća, stanova i druge bošnjačke imovine, kao i njihovo spaljivanje; masovno otpuštanje s posla;
- prevoÄ‘enje u katoličanstvo; prisilni rad na linijama fronta, gdje su logoraši i zatvorenici prisiljavani (prisiljeni) da budu 2040 ljudski štit;
- namjerno obustavljanje humanitarne pomoći; napadi na humanitarne radnike;
- uvođenje ogromnih taksi na humanitarnu pomoć i drugi oblici zločina protiv čovječnosti i međunarodnog prava.

 To je, u skladu sa hrvatskom nacionalističkom ideologijom i politikom formiranja “zajednič- ke hrvatske države u njenim etničkim i povijesnim granicama”, za čiju je realizaciju na kraju XX stoljeća postojao udruženi zločinački poduhvat, na čijem je čelu bilo državno, političko i vojno rukovodstvo Republike Hrvatske, pod voÄ‘stvom predsjednika Franje TuÄ‘mana, dio smišljene i sistematske politike i prakse zločina genocida, koju su hrvatske oružane snage organizovano činile u navedenim područjima Republike Bosne i Hercegovine.

Takva genocidna politika i genocidna praksa provoÄ‘ena je u općinama: Stolac, ÄŒapljina, Ljubuški, Tomislav-Grad, Mostar, Jablanica, Prozor, Gornji Vakuf, Bugojno, Kiseljak, Busovača, Vitez, Žepče,Vareš i drugim mjestima, što, pored brojnih dokaza, potvrÄ‘uju i masovne grobnice.

Najeklatantniji primjeri masovnih zločina protiv čovječnosti i međunarodnog prava je zločin genocida u Ahmićima, Vrbanji, Stupnom Dolu, Prozoru, u naseljima Tulica, Grahovci, Radanovići i Han-Ploča (Kiseljak), gdje su mnogi civili, uključujući žene i djecu, ubijeni i živi spaljeni, a kuće i drugi civilni objekti zapaljivim mecima, granatama i benzinom

U dijelu Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, gdje je djelovala paradržavna tvorevina Republike Hrvatske (Hrvatska zajednica Herceg-Bosna/ Hrvatska republika Herceg-Bosna), u kojoj su izvršeni brojni meÄ‘unarodni zločini, uključujući i zločin genocida nad Bošnjacima, pri čemu su, i nakon Vašingtonskog i Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma, još uvijek prisutne ideje, nosioci i sljedbenici te tvorevine, načelno je priznata nadležnost ICTY-a, ali njegovi nalozi često nisu provoÄ‘eni. Najveći broj osumnjičenih i optuženih “dobrovoljno” se predao posredstvom Republike Hrvatske, pri čemu su neka hapšenja obavile i meÄ‘unarodne snage.

Izvori naučnih saznanja:

1.Institut za istraživanje zločina protiv čovječnosti i međunarodnog prava Univerziteta u Sarajevu
2.Institut za istraživanje genocida, Kanada
3.MeÄ‘unarodni krivični tribunal za područije bivše Jugoslavije
4.Međunarodni sud pravde

Scientific research facts about the joint criminal enterprise of the Republic of Croatia on Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Armed forces of the Republic of Croatia (Croatian Army and its collaborators and the fifth column – The Croatian Defense Council, a fascistic part of the Croatian Defense Council that operated under the general – overall control of the Republic of Croatia and for its interests, de facto and de iure body, an instrument of the Republic of Croatia that conducted general control and effective command over the armed forces and civil authorities of the pseudo-state of the Croatian Community of Herzeg Bosnia/ Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia, whereby the crimes committed by the Croatian Defense Council are attributed to the Republic of Croatia), in Central Bosnia, valleys of the rivers Rama and Neretva, as well as in the West Herzegovina, committed a large number of crimes against humanity and international law against the Bosniacs, civilians and civil population, including:

 - mass and individual murders and torching, injuring the victims including women, children and the elderly;
 - expulsion and forcible transfer;
 -mass and systematic capturing of civilians and their imprisonment in the concentration camps and other places of incarceration, attacks against the civilians and civilian facilities;
- terrorizing the civilians; rapes and sexual abuse acts;
 - military attacks against towns and villages and their destruction; destruction of houses, religious, historical, educational, scientific, cultural, health, sport, economic and other civil objects, including the Old Bridge in Mostar;
- plundering and setting on fire the public property; looting Bosniac houses, apartments and other Bosniac property and their burning down;
- massive dismissal from work; conversion into the Christianity;
- forced labor at the frontlines where the inmates and prisoners were forced to be human shield;
- deliberate blocking of humanitarian aid; assaults on the humanitarian workers;
 - imposing the huge charges on humanitarian aid as well as other forms of crimes against humanity and international law.

In line with the Croatian nationalistic ideology and policy aimed at setting up “a common Croatian state in its ethnical and historical borders”, for which realization there existed, at the end of 20th century, a joint criminal enterprise headed by the state, political and military leadership of the Republic of Croatia, under the leadership of President Franjo TuÄ‘man, the foregoing constitutes a part of the premeditated and systematic policy and practice of crime of genocide committed by the Croatian armed forces in an organized way in the above stated areas of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

That genocidal policy and practice were carried out in the municipalities, including: Stolac, ÄŒapljina, Ljubuški, Tomislav Grad, Mostar, Jablanica, Prozor, Gornji Vakuf, Bugojno, Kiseljak, Busovača, Vitez, Žepče, Vareš, and many other places, which was corroborated, among many other pieces of evidence, by the existence of mass graves. The most striking examples of the mass crimes against the humanity and international law include the crimes of genocide committed in Ahmići, Vrbanja, Stupni Do, Prozor, in the settlements of Tulica, Grahovci, Radanovići, and HanPloča (Kiseljak), where many civilians, including women and children, were killed and burned alive, while their houses and other civilian objects were torched with incendiary bullets, shells and petrol.

In part of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where a pseudostate creation of the Republic of Croatia (Croatian Community of HerzegBosnia/Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia) was established and where numerous international crimes were committed, including the crime of genocide against Bosniacs, even after the Washington and Dayton Peace Agreements, the ideas, protagonists, and followers of such entity are still present. In principle, they recognized the ICTY jurisdiction, but its orders were rarely enforced. The largest number of suspected and indicted persons surrendered themselves “voluntarily” with the help of the Republic of Croatia, whereas some of arrests were conducted by international forces.

Sources of scientific knowledge:

1.Institute for Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law, University of Sarajevo
2.Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada
3.The International Criminal Tribunal for areas of the former Yugoslavia
4. The International Court of Justice
