Film je moćno sredstvo borbe za istinu i pravdu
Film je moćno sredstvo borbe za istinu i pravdu
VeliÄanstvena poruka iz Sarajeva, grada koji spaja istok i zapad na raskršÄu Äetiri najveÄe svijetske civilizacije koga su barbari pokušali bezuspješno uništiti. EstetiÄko umjetniÄka i poietiÄka razina je izuzetno važna da bi se deblokirale zatomljene informacije o poÄinjenom genocidu i agresiji u BiH. Umjetnost je medij koji bi, pored teorijskih analiza i prezentacija, mogao deblokirati Äinjenice i informacije o genocidu, o tome ko je poÄinio genocid, ko je žrtva genocida, u kojoj zemlji je izvršen genocid i koji su ciljevi genocida. Nema toliko gradova koji su pokazali toliko hrabrosti kao Sarajevo.
Institut za istraživanje genocida, Kanada
Film is a powerful means of fighting for truth and justice
A magnificent message from Sarajevo, the town that connects the east and west at the crossing of the world's four biggest civilisations, towwn that barbarians tried unsuccessfully to destroy. The artistic and aesthetic poetic, is extremely important in order to unlock the suppressed information about the genocide committed against B&H. Art is a medium that, besides the theoretical analysis and presentations, unblocks the facts and information about the genocide, about who committed the genocide, who the victims of genocide are, in which country the genocide was carried out, and what the objectives of the genocide were. There is not another city in the world that has shown such heart in the face of so much tragedy as Sarajevo.
Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada