Povodom 24. oktobra, Dana UN – Pod zastavom UN se desio genocid u BiH
Povodom 24. oktobra, Dana UN – Pod zastavom UN se desio genocid u BiH
U vrijeme planiranja, pripremanja i izvoÄ‘enja agresije na RBiH i zloÄina genocida u potpunosti su suspendovana i ignorisana temeljna naÄela meÄ‘unarodnog javnog prava (zabrana i otpor svakoj agresiji, spreÄavanje zloÄina genocida, osuda prisvajanja tuÄ‘ih teritorija, garancija teritorijalnog i državnopravnog integriteta države i drugih naÄela, izraženih u Povelji UN-a i Konvenciji o spreÄavanju i kažnjavanju zloÄina genocida). Jednoj meÄ‘unarodno priznatoj, nezavisnoj i suverenoj državi i Älanici UN faktiÄki je oduzeto pravo da brani teritorijalni integritet i sigurnost svojih graÄ‘ana od agresije i zloÄina genocida, a što je zagarantovano Poveljom UN.
On the occasion of 24 October, The UN Day – Under the UN flag was genocide in B&H
At the time of planning, preparation, and execution of the aggression against the RB&H and the crime of genocide, fundamental principles of international public law (prohibition and resistance to any aggression, prevention of crime of genocide, conviction of conquering territory of another state, guarantee of territorial and the integrity of a state, and other principles as expressed in UN Charter and Convention on prevention and punishment of crime of genocide) were completely suspended and ignored. An internationally recognized, independent, and sovereign state and UN member state was practically deprived of any right to defend its territorial integrity and safety of its citizens from the aggression and the crime of genocide, which is guaranteed in the UN Charter.