IGC Commemorates the Siege of Sarajevo - Do not Forget Sarajevo
IGC Commemorates the Siege of Sarajevo - Do not Forget Sarajevo
The available and clear evidence confirm the subjective (mental) element of genocide – intent (mens rea) to commit genocide against citizens of Sarajevo.
The beginning of the siege of Sarajevo: April 5, 1992
Duration of the siege: 1425 days
Number of people killed: 11541
Number of children killed: 1601
Number of injured people: close to 50000
Average number of grenades shot at the city daily: 329
Record numbers of grenades shot in a day: 3777 (on July 22, 1993)
Total number of grenades that hit Sarajevo: close to 490000
IGK se sjeća opsade Sarajeva - Da se ne zaboravi Sarajevo
Raspoloživi i jasni dokazi potvrÄ‘uju postojanje subjektivnog (mentalnog) elementa genocida – namjere (mens rea) za izvršenje genocida nad graÄ‘anima Sarajeva.
PoÄetak opsade Sarajeva: 5. april 1992.
Trajanje opsade:1425 dana
Broj ubijenih: 11541
Broj ubijene djece: 1601
Broj ranjenih: blizu: 50000
ProsjeÄan broj granata koje su padale na grad dnevno: 329
Rekordan broj granata u jednom danu: 3777 (22. jula 1993.)
Ukupan broj granata koje su pogodile Sarajevo: blizu 490000