Bbob bratina, MP hamilton east-stoney creek Constituency Office: 40 Centennial Parkway N, Unit 2 Hamilton, ON Tel: 905-662-4763 Ottawa Office: Room 700, The Valour Building, Ottawa, ON Tel: 613-992-6535 Website: To the Muslim Community of Hamilton, We awoke today to the terrible news from New Zealand of yet another terror attack on the Muslim community. Hundreds of families there are in deep morning, as are we, because of another senseless act of violence related to Islamophobia. My heart is broken. Our Muslim community in Hamilton like so many around the world has been open to all, great contributors to our city and our country, and participants in every level of our society. The bonds of our friendship can never be broken, only strengthened, as we mourn the tragic loss of so many good people at the moment of their conversation with God, during their Friday prayers. Today we must focus on the innocent lives lost and on those who are struggling to understand why this happened. We cannot be silent in dealing with the extremist views that led to this horrendous attack. We must stand with our neighbours and friends here and reach out to those in other parts of the world to assure them that an attack on one is an attack on all. There is no place in our world for the extremism that has led to so many tragedies, including today’s in New Zealand. Sincerely, Bob Bratina M.P. Hamilton EastStoney Creek